Football Manager 2023 Winter Update released

The Football Manager update is here
The Football Manager update is here / Football Manager/Sports Interactive

The Football Manager 2023 Winter Update has been released to players across the world on all platforms.

With more than 3.7m updates to the database, most of which reflect the recent transfer windows, FM23 is now almost an entirely new game, so it's time to start a new save and sink your teeth into a brand new career.

Here's what we know.

What is the Football Manager 2023 Winter Update?

The Winter Update is primarily focused on transfers from the mid-season windows (which sounds like great news for Chelsea fans), but there is so much more than that.

Thousands of players in the game have also received updates to their current abilities as a reflection of their real-life form, ensuring the simulations should be as realistic as they ever have been.

There are even plenty of gameplay adjustments and improvements, such as AI manager or defender tweaks and changes to the scheduling of fixtures in some competitions.

How do I get the Football Manager 2023 Winter Update?

Easy. You shouldn't have to do anything at all as the updates usually roll out automatically.

If you can't see the update, try exiting and reopening your system, such as Steam or the Epic Games Store, to prompt the update to load.

Some users of the Windows Store or other consoles may need to search manually for the update.