How to create a league in FPL

FPL league winners engaged in similar celebrations to Manchester City's title victory
FPL league winners engaged in similar celebrations to Manchester City's title victory / Stu Forster/GettyImages

It's time to start plotting Fantasy Premier League glory again, and what better way to do that than by setting up a league?

Competing against your mates is always fun, as it separates the 'proper football people' wheat from the 'hipster posers who've picked Demarai Gray all season' chaff.

Here's how to go about create an FPL league before the season kicks off and bragging rights start kicking in.

How to create a league in FPL

To create a league in Fantasy Premier League, click the 'Leagues & Cups' tab on the website. From there, you will see a section titled 'Create & Join New Leagues & Cups'. Click that button and you'll be taken to a page with 'Join a League & Cup' and 'Create a League & Cup' options.

You'll then be able to choose which scoring system you want to use for your league.

Classic Scoring FPL league

In a Classic Scoring league, teams are ranked by the amount of total points scored in the game.

To create a Classic Scoring league, click 'Create a League & Cup'. Name the league, decide when scoring starts - Gameweek 1, please, no hipster nonsense - and also decide how your cup will work.

Once everything is filled in, hit 'Create' and the league will be published. You will be taken back to the 'Leagues and Cup' page where your league will be visible.

You can then invite fellow FPL players by clicking 'Options' and selecting 'Invite Friends'. You can then copy an auto-join link and send that around, or share the league code by email.

Head-to-Head scoring FPL league

In a Head-to-Head Scoring league, every team plays against another in the league each gameweek. The result is based on the total scores of each team minus any point deductions for transfers.

Three points are given for a win and one for a draw. Teams are then ranked by their points earned from Head-to-Head games.

To create a Head-to-Head league, click 'Create Head-to-Head League'. Then decide when the scoring starts, how many teams are allowed in the league and whether there will be any knockout rounds.

You will be taken back to the 'Leagues and Cup' page where your league will be visible. You can invite friends to participate using the same steps outlined above.

How to join a league in FPL

If someone else has gone through the torturous process of creating the league and sending round the invite link, then you're laughing. Simply click 'Create & Join New Leagues & Cups' and then select 'Join a League & Cup'.

You can then pick whether to join an invitational or public league.

Invitational leagues & cups

To join an Invitational League & Cup, click the 'Join Invitational League & Cup' button and enter the league code given to you by the league's administrator. Hit 'Join League' and you'll be in.

Public leagues

A public league lets managers compete against 20 randomly chosen players in a classic league. Players can join up to five public leagues.

To join a random league, hit 'Join Classic League' and you'll be given a division with other players. To join a Head-to-Head league, click 'Join Head-to-Head League' instead.

General leagues

Players are also entered into leagues depending on their favourite team and country of residence. 'Gameweek 1' and 'Overall' are also joined automatically.