Liverpool fan group holds 'positive' talks with club as they seek board representation

Liverpool supporters group Spirit of Shankly (SOS) has held ‘positive’ talks with the club in a bid to try to repair the trust of fans that was badly damaged following the Reds’ recent attempt to join the doomed Super League.
Principal owner John W Henry issued a public apology taking full responsibility for Liverpool signing up for the breakaway competition, but Spirit of Shankly are seeking fan representation at board level to ensure that supporters will not be cut out of decision making in the future.
The meeting with SOS members took place with Liverpool chief executive Billy Hogan, who had earlier this week acknowledged the need for ‘positive, meaningful change to occur’.
SOS outlined four key points, starting with representation at Liverpool board level for anything relating to ‘issues that impact fans and the Anfield community as a whole’. Specifically, they are seeking ‘elected and accountable’ fan representation and not someone currently on the Liverpool board to be granted that position. It also has to be meaningful and carry veto powers.
Additionally, SOS want a formal agreement to improve collaboration and fan engagement and involvement, ensuring that it is also sustainable in the long-term.
They have also asked that FSG and the club collaborate with them to ‘lead the reform agenda’ at an upcoming national fan-led review.
SOS also want FSG to commit to pay any costs incurred in relation to the Super League scandal, perhaps in the way of sanctions, and not let any financial burden be shouldered by the club. It was noted that Arsenal fans have already secured a similar promise from the Kroenke family.
SOS state that all four key motions were acknowledged by Hogan on behalf of Liverpool. Club officials will now discuss the measures and requests before issuing a formal response.
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